The Effect of Country of Origin on Consumers’ Perceptions of Hospitality Products
This study thoroughly elaborates on the influence of COO on consumer’s perception towards hospitality products, precisely on sanitary products. Country of origin encompass products imported from Italy and China solely. The main focus is on Jordanian consumers. It aims at studying the level of satisfaction regarding these products and the relation of the products country of origin to their standard of living and how it is conceived. Often, certain high-end products are linked with high prestigious lives and vice versa. Therefore, it has been asserted the need to conduct surveys distributed among 100 different consumers of these hospitality products in order to have a thorough finding for the reasons aforementioned. As a result, this study concludes whether consumers perceive Italian products as of a higher quality than Chinese ones due to the country of origin. Moreover, it is intriguing to fully understand the reasons for the different behaviors towards the product’s COO and its influence on the consumers’ final decision. Furthermore, it is interesting to evaluate the consumer’s final decision on whether the chosen product has been preferred due to its genuine better quality or its reputation of being of a better quality merely because of it being of a higher price.References
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