The influence of personal motivation on using social TV: A Uses and Gratifications Approach
The aim of this paper is to highlight the impact of viewers’ personal motivation to watch online social TV in general by exploring 1) how different it is from the traditional motivation of television viewing, and 2) how viewers learn about the content. The researcher utilizes the Uses and Gratifications framework, the social ability, and usability factors to identify the personal motives that influence viewers’ use of social TV and different channels, together with the sources and relationships that facilitate participation among the users of social TV. The researcher employed a comparative and experimental approach to measure the impact of personal motivations on using the social TV. The study indicated that the Uses and Gratifications framework plays a key role in promoting motivations such as relaxation, daily routine, access to information, learning, time, entertainment, escape from reality, and the search for new friends. In addition, sociability and usability are important factors that influence viewers’ personal motivation to use social TV.References
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