Overview on the Impact of Blockchain on Natural Language Processing


  • Dr. Fatma Ben Mesmia Chaabouni Nest Academy of Management


Blockchain technology has become a transformative power in industries such as finance, supply chain management, and healthcare. However, its potential impact on Natural Language Processing (NLP) remains largely unexploited. NLP, a field of Artificial Intelligence, aims to enable computers to understand, interpret and generate human-readable textual resources. The current article explores the integration of blockchain and NLP, with a focus on the potential benefits it offers in terms of improving data security, trust, and transparency. Unstructured text data poses challenges to NLP, including issues related to data quality and verifiability of data origin. The decentralized and immutable nature of the blockchain provides a solution by establishing trust and ensuring the integrity of textual resources. The article investigates the applications of blockchain technology in content verification, copyright protection, and plagiarism detection, highlighting its ability to authenticate content and prevent intellectual property infringement. In addition, the integration of blockchain and NLP facilitates decentralized and collaborative annotation and classification of textual data, thereby improving the accessibility and quality of annotated datasets. However, challenges related to scalability, privacy, and transparency must be addressed to fully exploit the potential of this integration. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, analysis of use cases, discussion of challenges, and proposal of future research directions, this article contributes to the advancement of secure, reliable and efficient NLP systems.


