Information and Communications Technology Competencies and Twenty-First Century Skills: A Structural Model on e–Leadership of School Administrators
This study investigated the relationship of the public basic education school administrators’ demographic profile, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) competencies, Twenty-First (21st) century skills, and attitude to ICT towards their electronic-leadership (e-leadership) capabilities. Furthermore, it also explored the variables that best predict e-leadership capabilities and the structural model that best fits the e-leadership capabilities of school administrators. The school administrators displayed a high level of 21st century skills which means they displayed the skills most of the time whenever these skills may be applicable. The school administrators possessed a basic level of ICT competencies which means that they only performed some of the basic ICT operations and use ICT sometimes as a tool for administration. The 21st century skills and ICT competencies of school administrators are significantly related to e-leadership capabilities. E-leadership of the school administrators is greatly attributed to their 21st century skills and ICT competencies. Structurally, the e-leadership capability of the school administrators was best anchored on the 21st century skills and ICT competencies. The 21st century skills and ICT competencies greatly contributed to the e-leadership capability of the school administrators.References
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